Sheep Brain Lab Report

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The Brain plays a important role in our body, so in this lab we did a dissection of the sheep brain that is closer to the human brain. The steps we follow our teacher make every body couriose to learne about braine and see it structures before we remove the dura mater.We working in group lab and every body partecipation in the dissection of braine. Materials tray braine scissors scalpel probe plastic gloves Procedures Teacher gave to us breain sheep that before were stored in a prevervative into solution. We put on the glaves and cut the braine in the good direction and make that in two pices where we can see all the parts that located to the braine. Discussion Before beginning the dissection of the sheep brain we need to learne …show more content…

Posterior or caudal is at or towards the back. Lateral means on the side or towards the side. Medial is at or towards the middle. Dorsal means on top, in the brain and head only, and ventral means on the bottom, in the brain and head only. The braine is part of three divided that represent front, back and saggital planes which divides the left from right of braine. A horisontal planes divides the braine in to top and bottom position. The braine has three layers into exterior of the entire brain.1-meninges, 2-dura mater and 3-arachnoid layer and the pia mater. Meninges are the protective coverings, which enclose the braine and spinal cord. Dura mater remain near the base of the braine. Arachnoid layer, the middle layer and pia mater, the inner layer, are located to cover the braine. Another locate area referred to the brain stem that has inside pons, medulla, and celebellum. Pituitary gland was attached to our braine. Cingulate Gyrus, Lateral ventrice, fornix, septum pellucidum, cerebral acqueduct. and tegmentum are part we can see in the dissection of sheep braine. Conclousion This lab help us to be more familiarize with dimentional structure of braine.We challenged to our operation of the brain and we can see all the organs that located to the

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