B-TM During Adolescence

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Literature Review
Adolescence is a period where an individual passes from childhood into adulthood. It is usually linked with the physical maturation distinguished by puberty, which is the trademark of the interim period (Stalkind, 2002). This period is characterized by various dramatic and rapid changes experienced by the individual biologically, cognitively, behaviourally, socially, and psychologically (Greenly, 2002). Everyone, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or health status, faces adolescence. During this time and among all of the, sometimes difficult, challenges adolescents will begin to develop the required identity that will serve them into adulthood (Salkind, 2002). For b-TM patients, the experiences they have during adolescence may shape their ability to self-manage the complexity of their condition in adulthood. …show more content…

A paediatric diabetic’s care is transferred to an adult endocrinologist’s care, who will continue to monitor the clinical implications of having diabetes. But what happens when a patient’s condition is shifts from a fatal childhood diagnosis to a multifaceted chronic condition? Treatment and management for b-TM has never been as promising as it is today, but this has also created an issue where haematologists have not been trained to handle the complexities of adolescent development in conjunction with having b-TM. Young adults with chronic conditions must develop autonomous disease self-management and learn to communicate effectively with those they depend so much on (their parental guardians and health care team) in order to successfully transition from paediatric to adult oriented health care

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