Aztec Sacrifice Essay

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Phuong Doan
Professor Chrissanthos
History 110A
10 May 2018
Aztec Human Sacrifices The topic of human sacrifices has been relevant throughout history. It has been practiced, usually as a ritual, in numerous cultures each having their own special twist added to it. Many people have disagreed with this act simply because it is the act of taking one’s life. Sacrifices in general are typically done to appeal to their kings, gods, spirits or ancestors. Human sacrifice can also be done with the intention of winning the favor of the gods in warfare. These rituals were performed as religious symbolism towards their way of life and how they function as one civilization. The origins of the Aztecs are uncertain, but they were believed by historians …show more content…

In the Aztec empire, “temples, palaces, plazas and statues are built to exemplify their undying devotion” (“Aztec Rituals and Religious Ceremonies”) to their gods. Their gods include Huitzilopochtli, god of war and of the sun and Quetzalcoatl", the Feathered Serpent. From their faith, they developed the Aztec calendar which was “based on a solar cycle of 365 days and a ritual cycle of 260 days. The calendar played an important and central role in the religion and rituals of Aztec society” (Harner, 122), including human sacrifices. Rather than 12 months, the Aztecs had 18 months, where there were performed. The 18th month ritual, Izcalli, was only performed whenever leap years …show more content…

He was not curly-haired, he was not rough of forehead ... he did not have a nose with wide nostrils,he was not thick-lipped, he was not a stutterer, he did not speak a barbarous language, he was not large-toothed…” (Florentine Codex, Lockhart). In general, they were looking for a male who would be up to their standards of beauty. After locating that specific person, they would take him, teach him how to hold and work with flowers, how to play flutes, and how to speak Nahuatl, the Aztec language in a sophisticated way. He would be dressed similar to the god Tezcatlipoca and be treated with the utmost respect up until he is sacrificed to the gods. The Aztecs were very serious with this ritual because their ultimate goal was to please their gods, therefore the strict requirements were a way for them to find the one most suitable to please their gods. If they were to not have such requirements, they were afraid that it will make the gods angry and therefore cause natural disasters, which was unwanted by

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