Authoritative Parenting Style

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The parenting styles that are discussed this week in our textbook consist of four categories that include authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent and uninvolved (Cacioppo & Freberg, 2013). The authoritative style consists of parents that are loving, but firm and that use little to no physical punishment. They are teachers and discipline the child typically by taking privileges away so that they become productive members of their community. The next parenting style is authoritarian in which the parent teaches limits to their children but tend to use harsher punishments. Some children that are involved with this method tend to rebel, and others internalize their symptoms by showing signs of depression. The third style is indulgent in which …show more content…

According to Bianca Mgbemere and Rachel Telles, the kind of parenting can provide the healthiest environment for a child (2013). We understand the concept that children need to be loved, taught, reassured, and even punished at times. While growing up, my parents use to tell us that the punishment always hurt them more than it did us. Of course, I was thinking that they were crazy because they were not sitting on my end of things. However, when the time came to punish my first born those memories came flooding back, and I realized that my parents were not crazy at all. In fact, through the years they became the most intelligent individuals, and I appreciate every moment that they put toward raising my brother and …show more content…

However, what surprises me the most is that individuals would bring a child into the world and ignore them as the fourth category describes. I can not even imagine what kind of life this must be like for the child that has been brought into this situation. However, we never know what kind of issues surround the situation, but as a parent that has been through many challenges during life, my children were always the reason that I was able to keep going. I wanted them to learn that life may be tough at times, but it is what we chose to do about it that makes the difference. Also, I feel that each of the parenting styles can lead to the development of a psychological disorder, especially, if the parent is overbearing with their expectations. However, in category four, an uninvolved parent lacks any expectation, so the lack thereof could also contribute to the development of a psychological disorder as

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