Authoritarian Parenting Research Paper

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Authoritarian parents are described as ones who have high demands, but low responsiveness. These parents usually set a standard that is motivated by a higher authority. This type of parenting values obedience and favors forceful means when a child’s actions conflict what the parent thinks is right (Grobman, 2008). Baumrind discovered that these parents believe in keeping a child in a child’s place. The home is revolved around the order and a traditional structure. Children are expected to follow the rules, with no negotiations or exceptions. When children do not follow the rules, there is usually punishment instead of consequences. Authoritarian parents are generally ones that say: “You cannot go to the party because I said so…” Parents who …show more content…

As a direct effect of the parents’ strict rules and not considering the children in decision making the kids become withdrawn and in some cases have an unhappy disposition. Research shows that kids who grow up under the authoritarian parenting style have behavioral problems, are less resourceful and socially-adept, and will most likely become involved in bullying, (Dewar, 2010). Not only do these kids suffer from the issues mentioned above, but they also do not learn how to make decisions on their own and enter the world with fewer life skills than those around them. Authoritarian parents seem to believe they are the epitome of figures in morality, but studies have proven this theory wrong. In the article, The Four Types of Parenting Styles and how each will Impact a Child, Lisa Douglas stated that “their (authoritarian parents) kids are less advanced when it comes to self-regulation and moral reasoning. They become incapable of choosing themselves, the difference between right and wrong” (Douglas, 2017). While most feel that the authoritarian parent is a good way to raise kids, it was discovered that this style of parenting also hinders kids later in life. The type of parenting that is considered the “best” type is: authoritative …show more content…

She stated that the permissive parent attempts to behave in a nonpunitive, acceptant and affirmative manner towards the child’s desires and actions (Grobman, 2008). These parents often consult with their children about decisions. They demand little from their kids and feel that the kids should use them as a resource and not hold them responsible for shaping their future behavior. The parent's motto is often “kids will be kids,” it is common to hear this parent saying: “that is what they do... he is just a kid”. Although these parents can be loving, affectionate and responsive, they do not offer much in guidelines or advice. Their concept of discipline is no discipline, and they avoid confrontation and will only step in when there is a serious problem. This type of parenting is considered good and bad. Good in the way of nurturing but bad because the kids are not exposed to limits. “Researchers have found that the overly relaxed approach to parenting exhibited by permissive parents can lead to some negative outcomes” (Cherry, 2017). These kids typically struggle both psychologically and academically. Often they do not know boundaries as a result of little to no structure and guidance. Because of the lack of guidance, they struggle to learn good problem solving and decision-making skills. They display way more aggression and have little to no understanding of emotion. Since they did not

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