Aunt Flossie's Hats Analysis

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All assessments need to be authentic to assess a student's knowledge successfully. For this analysis I chose the reading comprehension lesson on Aunt Flossie’s Hats which covers the standard: LAFS.3.RI.1.2; determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. This is a summative assessment used to register the student’s knowledge of the lesson. For this assessment to be an accurate gauge of the ELL’s ability I modified the verbiage of the worksheet in the English Learner’s native language. Modifying the summative assessment will provide me with a thorough overview of the English Language Learner’s comprehension level without any language barriers. Although the ELL student is picking up the English language quickly, and is currently at an intermediate level, I didn’t want any interference to hinder …show more content…

Once each partner had completed their stories, they would draw a picture on their whiteboard of three important details from the other person’s story labeling them one, two, and three. In the article Best Practice for ELLs: Peer-Assisted Learning, it stated that having English Language Learners work with their peers helps develop vocabulary, syntax, and comprehension strategies. Once all students have completed this part of the activity, each student would share their partner’s story recalling details from their whiteboard. Allowing English Language Learners to demonstrate their comprehension through visualization, artwork, and retelling helps the student make connections to the content. Once each student has shared the details, the class would then have to decide what the main idea of the story is. The class would discuss the correct and incorrect answers and their reasoning behind choosing the main

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