Athletes Should Be Paid Essay

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Athletes are being paid hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to entertain us. They work less hours than the average person and make considerably more. Athletes all around the world are paid handsomely because they are talented and have extensive knowledge of their sport. But, is that knowledge and talent really worth what they are earning every season? Compared to some of the most common and needed professions are athletes really earning their paychecks? It’s time to take a deep look into what requirements besides natural ability athletes really need? How many hours are they expected to put in a week and what their job really is.
Preparing to become a professional athlete there’s not a long list of requirements that need be completed before a person is considered for the job. You don’t go to school to study how to be a professional basketball or football player. Honestly for how much the average player gets paid, it’s one of the …show more content…

The same should be said about every job so why is it that players, especially in the NFL, NBA and ABC are paid crazy salaries. There needs to be regulations and caps guiding how much a player can make. This would help insure that all sports remain competitive and everyone has a chance to win. There is no shortage in athletes who want to go pro. Due to the lack of requirements, the work schedule, and the fact that their job is to entertain. There needs to be real change in the sports industry. Lowering athletes’ salaries would only hurt the current players’ lifestyles. The ones up and coming would still have an excellent future if they made even 500,000 dollars a year. Which is still seven times higher than the WNBA is willing to pay their athletes. The WNBA are just as serious of a competitor as other sports, whether it be ice skating, wrestling or football. Therefore it’s time to make sure that every athlete women or male should get paid a fair and justifiable

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