Assistive Technology

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What are some AT’s used in the classroom and who chooses them?
Assistive technology is sorted accordingly to the task for which the learner needs support and enhancement. This will be decided and referred to by a specialist team with specific and extensive knowledge of the individual’s disability. The AT required, will be determined by the specialist team after a full evaluation is performed, this sometimes can be an extensive prolonged process. Once the evaluation process is complete, the specialist team attends meetings to provide support and training with relevant staff and the student. With the correct AT the learner will become a more positive and operative learner within the classroom and school environment.
How are these AT’s used …show more content…

There is, however an extensive list of ATs’ utilized to address various disabilities, ensuring all children are given equal opportunity and enhancement of their learning journey.
Some of these are listed below:
Seating and Positioning- This refers to the Desk or writing surface the learner is confronted with; the learner may need the height of the desk or size of chair adjusted and the writing surface slanted allowing for correct posture and positioning of the hand.
Mobility- The AT’s utilised for mobility could be the use of a walking frame, grab bars and rails where required and creating a wheelchair friendly environment ("AT for Mobility | ATSTAR," n.d.).
Assistive Listening- Hearing disabilities are frequently corrected by the student unless in severe cases when sign language is used, a teacher’s assistant will be assigned to the student. The student typically wears hearing aids or other hearing assisted devices.
Physical Education, Leisure, and Play- In some instances, the learner becomes very frustrated and can become aggressive or even self-harm, with this student in the classroom it is imperative the environment is assessed and made safe

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