2.1 Explain The Health And Safety Requirements For Children And Young People

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When any learning activities are set up, whether it be an indoor or outdoor activity, there needs to be careful preparation and planning to ensure that the environment is safe for all children and young people. This will involve things such as making sure the area is free of any hazards, taking into account the health and safety requirement of each pupil and ensuring that each pupil will be able to work and play safely. Also, when activities are planned, the individual needs of the pupils will need to be taken into account e.g. any pupils with disabilities, hearing problems or visual impairment. So, for example, if a pupil has a visual impairment then they would need clear access to chairs and tables and so there would have to be absolutely no obstacles in the way, or someone in a wheelchair would need the layout of the classroom to be suitable so that there is no risk to themselves or others. There also needs to be consideration of the age and abilities of the children so if, for example, they were going to be riding a bicycle then they would need the appropriate one depending on their age or …show more content…

The health and safety officer is the person who is responsible for health and safety in school, and they will carry out regular checks to ensure that there are no hazards or other issues. If they do find any hazards around the school they will be required to record and report it straight away, and they will also check any equipment to make sure it is not hazardous. As well as carrying out checks around the school, health and safety officers will also provide training for colleagues so that they are fully aware of up to date health and safety procedures, and they too can carry out checks and report any issues to the health and safety

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