Assignment Questions On Safeguarding Children

2018 Words5 Pages

Josh Wells Unit 3
1.1: Explain what is meant by “safeguarding children”
Safeguarding children is protecting them from physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. For an example physical abuse would could be hitting a child and emotional abuse could be calling a child names. It is everyone’s responsibility in the setting to make sure that children are kept safe at all times. This is to ensure that children grow up in a safe environment. Practitioners also have a duty of care to make sure that children are kept safe at all times “When those relationships provide safe, stable, and nurturing environments, children are more likely to thrive physically and emotionally.” (Wood, 2015)
1.2: Explain how safeguarding supports children’s safety and …show more content…

The information sharing government policy March 2015 states that “if a practitioner has concerns about a child’s welfare, or believes they are at risk of harm, they should share the information with the local authority children’s social care, NCPCC and/or the police, in line with local procedures” This is important because if a child’s safety is being compromised appropriate action can be taken straight away for an example, if a child is being physically abused a social worker will have to investigate and follow a process if it if found that the abuse is survive the child will be removed from the home. If the child is being abused it can be sorted out. It is important that all staff in an early years setting are aware of the safeguarding procedures so apocopate action can be taken and the incident can be dealt with in the best way that has the best outcome for the …show more content…

Some signs that children are being physically abuse in kiddie children not joking in physical activities where they may have to wear shorts such as PE because they do not wan their bruises and scares to be seen. Children are also likely to be uncomfortable around adults. Children who are being physically abused are also likely to plant and feel relaxed and to be bullying other children to be being bullied their self’s.
Some examples of sexual abuse include rape, forced anal and oral, forced touching or masturbation. Sexual abuse is when a child is forced or encouraged to take part in physical and sexual contact. Some signs of sexual abuse are a child knowing sexual vocabulary that is inappropriate for their age. Another sign that a child is being sexually abused is that they will act sexually inappropriately for their age and they will encourage other children to do the

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