Maintaining National Security: The Role of Military Preparedness

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Keeping the people of the United States safe from the ever rising threat of terrorism and continual conflict is an important task for this nation’s military. Distraction and lack of cohesion leads to failures and unnecessary casualties. A concentrated focus on the battles at hand is a key task in overcoming the world’s threats and to be ready to fully function in the capacity assigned. Preparation, before the need arises, leads to more lives saved and success in accomplishing the mission. Regulations are created to set a standard of requirements that must be adhered to in order to be successful. They adjust over time as requirements, technology and strategy change, but they set in place the rules in which the military is to operate. Army …show more content…

The first chapter is the introduction that discusses the purpose, background and objectives for this regulation. Chapter 2 provides the responsibilities of all Army institutions involved in the deployment and redeployment process. A detailed purpose and process for the Army Deployment Readiness Exercise Program (DRE) is contained in Chapter 3. A key tool for successful deployment and redeployment is found in Chapter 4, Command Deployment Discipline Program (CDDP). Finally, in Chapter 5, the Deployment Excellence Award Program (DEA) is presented to create a program to recognize excellence in deployment operations.
The purpose of AR 525-93 is to set forth policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities for Army institutions to conduct deployment and redeployment operations effectively. Over the decades the Army has seen a myriad of processes for deployments. As time has passed, many of the processes have incorporated new and ever-changing automated systems. It is imperative for planners at all levels to continually utilize, maintain and improve these deployment related systems to remain a ready force. It is the Army’s objective to create a ready force that is trained and available to move and fight at a moment’s notice.
ROLES AND …show more content…

The Army uses the Deployment Readiness Exercise Program (DRE) to validate the units ability to rapidly deploy into the fight. This chapter instructs planners on how to properly prepare for and conduct DREs in order to find the weak points in the plans that need to be adjusted. DREs may occur on an unannounced or limited notice basis, during regularly scheduled training or be part of field training exercises. There are three levels that must be achieved to fully validate a unit’s ability to deploy. The Level I DRE is the first and most basic step of the deployment process. This level evaluates the unit’s ability to alert, assemble and conduct Soldier readiness tasks. This level also verifies that all documentation and procedures for the UMO are in place and current. A Level II DRE goes a step further and includes Level I activities. During this activity, a representative sample of equipment is loaded and prepared with all documentation, vehicle preparation for all types of movements and convoy movement execution. Finally, in a Level III DRE, the unit conducts all activities in the first two as well as a strategic move. If the movement does not include air, then the air movement will be

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