Arguments Against Eating Soda

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Imagine if drinking water was toxic; drinking it could kill you any minute... For some, this is the case. Is it you? Do you drink sodas more than water? Is soda the only thing you drink? Is a large coke your favorite thing to order at In-N-Out? I know some who suffer from daily soda consumption, killing them with every swig. This is a huge problem, yes, but wouldn't you be bothered to go to the 7-11 on the corner and be bombarded by warning signs, yelling 'STOP, WE'RE DANGEROUS!'? I don't believe companies should disrupt our peace like that. Let us have our guilty soda pleasures! I disagree against labeling sodas. My three reasons are that sodas already have nutrition facts, which state what's in the beverage. If lawmakers were to raise the …show more content…

They're the nutrition facts! Though they don't say what the consequences of what drinking the prouduct is, but shouldn't we all know how many calories equals a heart attack? According to Taylor Wolfram, among the trans fats, sodiums, and serving sizes, adults should be able to easily see what's bad for them (Wolfram, 2016), "It includes everything anyone could possibly want to know about what's in the thing they're about to dink" (Cook, 2014). It's a lost cause if California covers all nutritional facts with 'Hey, drink me if you wanna die 3 years earlier!' Besides, as Cook writes, when you repeat something over and over, people tend to take it less seriously (Cook, 2014). What if you told all your friends they were your best friend? Wouldn't "best friend" seem less meaningful? It's the same if stores cover shelves of chips, sodas, and candy containing labels: no one would bother to take any of them to …show more content…

We shouldn't guilt trip other people into drinking healthier beverages. The Author of 'Childhood Obesity Facts' observes, childhood obesity has increased 3x since the 1970's (Childhood Obesity Facts, 2017), "A big reason why soda is so popular is that it's so cheap."- (Cook, 2014) The government can raise soda taxes giving companies and California more money, while making us think financially before buying that 12 pack of pop. It's a win-win situation! Also, the tax could be applied to health benificial things like nutrition and physical education programs (California academy of science, 2014).Evan Cook (2014) claims, cigarette taxes reduced the useage and smoking lowered by 25% in the last 50 years. Besides, you wouldn't want to pay an extra few cents to indulge in something you don't need because it adds up in the long

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