Argumentative Essay: The Role Of Women In The Military

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“I have only been given truly terrible advice once in my military career, at its inception. ‘When you go to Officer Candidate School, just keep your head down and try to blend in with the others, and fly below the radar.’” This was stated by a woman named Anna Granville on January 14th, 2015 explaining her United States military career. A man gave her that dreadful and very offensive advice. It shows how differently men are treated compared to women when it comes to the military. However, in the military women weren't allowed to have combat roles until January of 2013 and even then they only opened up a few new job positions. In 2016, the United States Military opened up all job positions to women. As you can see there are many effects of being …show more content…

It shows how differently military women are being treated from men. Many agree that it isn’t very fair. Which leads to the question of why aren't women sent to defend their own country? Why only men? Unfortunately, no one has an answer to that. “That is pure injustice; if women cannot be taken to the front lines, why are they recruited to the military? They say, ‘what a man can do, a woman can do even better.’ The Nigerian Army says ‘no women in the army.’” This quote was also spoken by the soldier. He believes that it isn’t right that women aren't sent to defend their own country. What makes it any different with men? It is even said that women are better with peace and non-violence which is extremely helpful in the military, yet they still aren't able to help their own …show more content…

A female cadet named C. Lord-Mallam won the Navy Gold award which is one of the best in the navy category. Another female named K. O Dayo-Karin received the Army Silver award which is the second best award in that category. O. S ljelu won the Air Force Silver Award. Capt. Kristen Griest and first Lt. Shaye Haver made history when in 2015 they both graduated from military school. A few women did extremely well in their fight to be part of the military. The following was a quote from a passage about women in the military and how well they were doing. “The General said, ‘I was informed that the women were trained just like the men were trained. They were not given any preferential treatment. Two of these female cadets beat their male counterparts to win placement at the United States Military Academy in West Point and they are doing well.’” Another quote about women’s’ success in the military is, “According to the Punch, female cadets excelled- and won awards- since they started getting admitted to the training program in 2011.” An interesting fact was that women made up 30% of Eritrea’s military which inspired other countries to open up their program wider for women. Also, the United States opened up all military positions to women in

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