Argumentative Essay: The 1950's Family Life

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In my Essay I will be explaining how the 1950’s family life was nothing like the ideal tv shows we all looked up to like Leave it to Beaver or even The Brady Brunch. There were many factors of women and marriages in everyday American life that were nothing like they were when portrayed in TV life. Instead of families living in extended households many newlyweds decided to live on their own when they finally got married. The trend grew rapidly quickly becoming the normal thing to do. Citing that living in extended families was destroying marriages and children. It was considered disappointing if your family wasn’t the center of your life indicating something was wrong. It got to the point that even advice books started saying the same. Even …show more content…

60 percent of the elderly had incomes that were $1,000 below the normal average to live and 2000$ below the middle-class income at the time which was $3000. 50 percent of African Americans lived in poverty,segregation and racism. In the tv shows they never showed racism it was made to believe that even out in the world the outside the house was perfect. In reality it really wasn’t. For example in 1954 the Brown V Board of Education said African Americans could go to school with whites.The response was: By 1955 half a million southerners joined White Citizens Councils that was a group that was dedicated to blocking school integration and in 1957 9 black students from Little Rock Arkansas went to an all white school that had mobs and students making sure it wasn’t going to be easy for them. It got so bad that President Eisenhower had to send troops with them to school everyday. It even happend when Ruby Bridges went to 1st grade in a room by herself and had a teacher sent it to help her with her schoolwork because nobody wanted to be in the same room with her. The tv shows back in the 50’s/60’s never showed anything or even indicated something like this was happening outside their house. But back in 1955 soon after the arrest of Rosa Parks for failure to give up her seat in the city bus. News channels in

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