Argumentative Essay On War Refugees

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Wars are one of the catastrophic problems that have affected humanity. As a consequence, people have escaped from wars to look for a safe place for their families and to start a new life. Those people are called war refugees. However, research shows that accepting war refugees in the United States may have some effects on natural security, economics and society as a whole.

President Obama has committed to taking 10,000 Syrian refugees in this year. This is five times the number the US has taken in the past four years. However, governors of 31 states in are opposed to President Obama’s plan. They claim that bringing refugees can affect our national security. Recently there have been terrorist attacks in Europe, and some of the terrorists were war refugees. As Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told ABC's George Stephanopoulos: “It’s not that we don't want to -- it's that we can’t, because there's no way to background check someone that's coming from Syria.” In reality our country can not identify if terrorist are coming as a war refugees, so it is pretty much open our doors to terrorist without notice. …show more content…

Research shows that United States has spent $60 billion in programs for Syrian refugees. According to economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and a senior UN advisor there are two kinds of refugees. Those with skills that can contribute to our society and those that can not provide enough income to support their family. They will pay less in taxes and receive social services, that’s kind of a tax on the rest of the

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