Argumentative Essay On Transgender Restrooms

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Introduction “Transgender people have a gender identity that does not match their sex assigned at birth, which is generally based on anatomical observation.” (Schuster, 2016, pp 5) Gender and body image are both cultural identifiers that are affected by the controversial topic of transgender bathrooms. Gender is affected because every individual is born as either a boy or a girl but, at some point, the individual does not relate to the gender with which they were born. Body image should also be considered when defining how cultural identifiers are affected in the controversial topic of transgender bathrooms. Should transgender restrooms be provided for individuals who do not relate to being the sex they were born instead of the sex with which they identify?
Historical Background It is the responsibility of the school to provide a safe and nurturing environment where students can learn; to do this schools have certain steps that they need to take to ensure the needs of each and every student. (Phillips, 2017) In 2014, a school district in Virginia allowed Gavin Grimm to use the restroom of the …show more content…

Transgender restrooms is a situation that may never see a solution. Some individuals may feel like their views are being respected, and they can accept using an alternative bathroom instead of either a male or female restroom. Other individuals will continue to see that their needs are not being met and they will continue to fight for their rights. On the other side, there are other individuals in the country who will continue to fight to keep individuals that were born as a male and choose to identify as a female and vice versa out of the same bathroom as their young children. Creating single toilet non gender specific restrooms for use for any individual may be the only solution to the transgender bathroom

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