Shaming Generation Essay

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The Shaming Generation: Shaming Something We Are An abundance of transgenders are finally identifying as their true gender in our generation. In fact, in the United States alone, there are 700,000 transgenders (Gates 2011). However, our generation isn’t welcoming these true identities, but shaming them. Though, it is incredible that slowly the idea of transgenders is becoming more acceptable, the amount of hate and harassment these human beings receive is unacceptable. Human beings, that is what they are, right? This leads to the next question. Why is our generation shaming something we are? Human beings, right? As we are all human beings, we shouldn’t be treating transgenders as if they are a different species. Many argue that these individuals …show more content…

And to dig deeper, we need to realize that we are all human beings. Regardless if you come from a different background, ethnicity, religion, or decision, we are all the same species. Additionally, we have to realize that no matter what are beliefs are, we cannot and should not attempt to change anyone to fit our own beliefs. Truthfully, we just need to learn when to walk away. If someone’s decision to be transgender bothers you, walk away. Instead of promoting hatred or showing our disgust in an individual, walk away. At the end of the day, that individual is going to make their own decision whether you agree with it or not. Why let that bother us if it has nothing to do with us? Overall, our generation needs to focus on our own decisions rather than someone else 's. No matter how many transgender parades are held, how many people are preaching for it, and how much publicity a transgendered celebrity gets, nothing can save our generation from this hatred as realization can. Each day, a new abundance of transgenders are finally identifying as their true self. Even though nothing can stop this flow of transgenders, an accepting, loving, and safe society can encourage more of these individuals to be who they truly are. Instead of shaming these human beings for who they are, our generation needs to worry about our own decisions, and learn to embrace and accept others’ decisions. Truly, this is a problem. Just as anyone else, transgenders deserve to feel safe, accepted, and comfortable at home, school, work, and where they choose to go. After all, we are all human beings,

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