Argumentative Essay On Seatbelts

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The freedom of choice. That was why our forefathers fought in the American Revolution, not to be worried over an overbearing government that gave them no rights. Resulting from this mistreatment, they created the Constitution to ensure that every citizen had their rights. In order for everyone to have equal rights, laws were created. My history teacher always said “My rights stop where yours begin”. In this sense we have a right to make our own decisions on our own safety. What right does the government have to make my decisions for me? With the enormous amount of laws created that limit a person’s freedom even though it does not conflict or hurt anyone else, the government has stepped past its boundaries. These laws include seat belt laws and alcohol laws. For all the support for these laws, they only provide evidence on the harm that can be caused from it. However, these are “public safety” laws and what someone decides to do with his/her body is not for the government to decide. While I can agree that seat belts can be a good safety precaution, there have also been cases where not wearing a seat belt has saved their lives. The government should not inject themselves into making decisions for its citizens. …show more content…

City of Lago Vista, the court agreed that taking Ms. Atwater to jail for not wearing a seatbelt was not a warrantless arrest. Even though Ms. Atwater had children with her and she went to jail for what should have been just a fine. She was pulled over just because the police officer noticed she and her children were not wearing seatbelts. This case parallels to our right to deny medical service, we have a right and freedom to decide what to do with our bodies. The seat belt laws claim to be for our safety, but is the government allowed to meddle in my personal

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