Argumentative Essay On Immigrant Children

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Immigration. A word that is spoken by the world’s leaders daily. As a widely debated topic in today’s modern world, there are numerous different opinions surrounding immigration. Some countries choose to take as many immigrants and refugees as they can, while others favor a more selective process. One common habit held among these countries, taking in immigrants, is the inability to see immigrants more than numbers on a spread sheet. While many argue that this is the only way to properly handle the world crisis of immigration, it can result in the inhumane treatment of suffering people. The ones arguably effected most by this treatment are the children of modern immigration. These children are subjected to horrors and challenges that many …show more content…

Both the mental and physical side effects of immigration are startling, but completely reversible. To begin with, mental screening should be readily accessible to not just immigrants but everyone. The first step in preventing and treating mental illness is proper diagnosis and assessment. In addition, to alleviate stress, children should receive some type of legal aid to facilitate the immigration process. This facilitator does not necessarily have to be a lawyer but rather a liaison who eases the legal proceedings. Also, an unaccompanied child should have an advocate, someone who is able to help in a way a parent might and fight for their natural born rights. As for the physical aspect, the world obesity epidemic is not exclusive to immigrants, but immigrants are more predisposed to a higher BMI due to diet changes. To help counter act these side effects immigrant parents should be educated in proper dietary habits for their children and given information on healthy exercise habits. In addition, once again health care is also a big necessity in fighting childhood obesity and childhood health in

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