Argumentative Essay On Health Care

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In American society, the inequality of health care between the poor and the wealthy continues to rise. In the past years, many low income families have suffered from financial crisis due to health care bills. However, in 2017, during Obama’s presidency, a law was passed, Obamacare, by the government that allowed the poor and financially challenged families to have health care coverage. This eased the burden on low income families for a period of time between 2010 and 2017. Despite the initial purpose of Obamacare, the law on health care will probably change by 2019, which is already in the process of being taken away from Americans requiring them to buy their own health insurance. All of this will result in suffering for many poor Americans who rely on healthcare to cover bills related to health. As the imbalanced health care affected the past, the future is uncertain, as well as the current situation that’s requiring people who depend of Obamacare to pay more. …show more content…

Initially, in 2010 the Obamacare law was passed to make sure that low income families can get “low health care cost and to help improve the quality of life for those who couldn't get health insurance from their jobs” (Kimberly). This system was expensive and unbalanced between the wealthy and the poor. Many families struggled to get their medical treatments because they couldn’t afford to pay for the bills. Their incomes were way too low compared to how much they had to pay for their health care plus other expenses. This seemed get a little better in 2017, during Obama’s presidency. As a result of this “health care law, [many people were] offer[ed] rights and protections that make coverage more fair and easy to understand”

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