Argumentative Essay On Godzilla

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Godzilla, the King of Monsters Introduction In Japanese, the word Kaiju means a giant monster. It is a word that describes a different type of beast of a human-sized nasty portrayed in movies. Giant monsters have the capability of eating a person wholly and wreck cities by way of stomping. Their use in the Japanese Kaiju films has made these movies the most important in the genre. Newitz (1) describes various Japanese Kaiju films that one must watch to understand the usefulness of giant monster in these movies. Some of the Kaiju films in Japan include the Godzilla (1954), Mothra (1961), Ghidorah (1964), King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962), Mothra Vs. Godzilla (1964), and The Mysterians (1957) among others. This research paper aims at discussing a selected Japanese Kaiju Movie. The paper will focus on various aspects of the movies including its history, how it compared to the western monster films and American Godzilla films among other aspects. The Selected Film The selected Japanese Kaiju Film is the Godzilla (1954). The film presents American nuclear weapons testing results through the creation of an unstoppable beast that looks like a dinosaur. Godzilla (1954) had its original title as Gojira. It is one hour and thirty-six minutes movies full of horrific drama. The horrible …show more content…

The original meaning of the movie Godzilla has changed with the Japanese Godzilla having a different meaning from the American Godzilla. The creature features, the meaning of monster, and the variation of actors has brought about the change in the original Japanese Kaiju film to the current version of Godzilla. However, all of the versions are fascinating with the original version remaining most interesting of all. Therefore, for a person to get the real meaning of Godzilla, it is important to watch the original Kaiju film for the year

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