Argumentative Essay On Factory Farms

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Within the last couple of decades, factory farms have become the standard system of raising livestock: no longer is the stereotypical red barn with acres upon acres of open grassland the prime example of where meat and poultry are manufactured. Instead, there are cages packed with animals; and dirt, grime, and feces cover the livestock, farming grounds, and surrounding land and lakes. Animal welfare and environmental safety, as well as public health issues, are aspects this modern form of farming disregards to accommodate the market’s increasing demand for a quick and cheap product; but this is intolerable considering the abominable procedures and consequences connected. This ‘quick and cheap product’ is possible through such unsanitary and inhumane conditions that would cause die-hard meat lovers to rethink their next meal; yet the United States as a nation continuously allows this growing industry to uphold these conditions, as enforced by “Ag Gag” laws. With this, it becomes an illegal …show more content…

history at over half a billion was caused by a salmonella outbreak at an Iowa farm with such unsanitary conditions as “[chickens] forced to pile atop their dead and rotting cage mates as they laid their eggs” (Carlson). In 2007, the U.S. imported 3 million broiler chicken from China, which had been “fed pet food containing toxic wheat gluten [which was then] sold to restaurants and supermarkets all over the [nation]” (“Food Safety”). Humans are being affected on a greater scale in recent years by factory farms because of a lack in sterilization and the sheer amount of product produced. The U.S. alone butchers more than nine billion animals per year, and globally there are over seventy billion deaths for meat, dairy, and eggs. Public health is jeopardized when pollutants in such excess are released from these farms, and often municipal water systems are forced to remove waste at a costly expense to prevent contamination of drinking

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