Argumentative Essay About Makeup

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The desire for nice-looking makeup has been deeply engrained within societal culture as the gold standard for women. Makeup is so deeply embedded in our norms that we have only recently begun to question why women need to wear makeup in order to meet the standard average of society’s expectations, or to wear makeup to enhance ourselves and achieve an even higher level of acceptance. Society has created the stipulation that using makeup is an activity women do because it’s inherently a requirement of being female.
No one is born with makeup on, or “camera ready;” we are all born with our natural skin and our natural beauty, but society has redefined the term “natural” when regarding the beauty/attractiveness of the female form. The new natural is makeup enhanced. Women might not think twice about applying makeup because it is just a part of their everyday routine, but the irony lies in the fact this has become a natural contradiction. The primary issue lies in the fact that society has continually stigmatizes makeup-free women in order to normalize makeup, creating a need for it. Women who don’t wear makeup tend to be scrutinized and are expected to wear makeup in order to meet an exaggerated standard of beauty, much similar to my exaggerated eyebrow makeup during the experiment, …show more content…

My deviant behavior itself is not inherently bad, but the importance society holds for those who follow the trends exceeds the insignificance of my behavior. What society defines as criminal/deviant is dependent on those in power, who use public perception to control public through the process of law making and manipulating the interpretation of these laws to fit their desires. Deviance is not a set of personality traits of individuals or groups, the context in which criminality is being inferred between non-deviants and those labeled as

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