Argumentative Essay About Ancient Aliens

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As alien expert Giorgio A. Tsoukalos once said on the T.V. show Ancient Aliens, “Aliens”. Aliens have fastened humans for decades. These creatures that may or may not exist, have caused a lot of debate between curious and superstitious people. There are many opinions and theories, but not a lot of facts. There are three facts known about aliens. The first fact known about aliens is that there are Earth-like planets. To show this, “This is the first definitive Earth-sized planet found in the habitable zone around another star” (Kramer). This planet is Kepler-186f. To explain, if there is a planet could sustain life, then there is a good chance that it does. There is life on Earth, so there is a good chance of life on other planets. Another example is the number of Earth-like planets. To prove this point, as team leader Xavier Bonfils from Observatoire des Sciences de l'Université de Grenoble, France once said, “Our new observations with harps mean that 40% of all red dwarfs have a super Earth orbiting in the habitable zone where liquid water can exist on the surface of the planet” (Bonfils). To further explain, 40% of red dwarfs have an Earth-like planet …show more content…

To illustrate, “There are about 100 billion earth like planets in the Milky Way Galaxy” (Anthony). In other words, if there are this many planets then there is bound to be life on one of them. This is in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. There are other galaxies out there, too. Another example is how much of space humans have actually explored. “All the stars, planets, and galaxies seen today make up just four percent of the universe” (Moskowitz). To say this differently, 96% of the universe has not been explored yet. These 100 billion planets mentioned before are just 4% of space. Based on these numbers, the odds of other lifeforms somewhere out there seem pretty high. Consequently, The massiveness of space is the second fact known about

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