Are People Hard-Wired For Racial Prejudice

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To estimate means to estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is. Underestimate can lead to people doubting themselves because other people are underestimating them making them feel worthless. When people feel worthless they tend to not talk to anyone and just want to be alone just being lonely all because people underestimated them and now they hate their life. When people start to hate their life they might commit suicide killing themselves and never coming back to life. People shouldn’t underestimate people because sometimes they can take it personal. Another thing is that people underestimate people just because of their race which is called racial prejudice. For an example people think that the best race …show more content…

The author illustrates racial prejudice by stating that human brains react to racial differences. This basically means a negative attitude towards a group of people based on the type of race they are automatically judging them before really getting to know them. For instance Sapolsky states “Some of the most compelling evidence for a hard-wired racial divide concerns a brain region called the amygdala, which plays a central role in processing fear and aggression.” This evidence clearly states that there is a part in everyone’s brain that expresses emotions. Our amygdala is like this because what we have been taught, what we heard about another race and amygdala is so use to hearing what we heard that our brain will automatically have fear and aggression about the race we heard negative about and instantly react. Sapolsky also states that the amygdala activates of the face is someone of a different race. This evidence shows that when people see a different race other than their own they have fear. Fear is strong and can easily manipulate the person’s amygdala into thinking that other races besides their own are evil. People tend to stay in their own race community, not associating themselves with another race. For example Compton is a dominant black people are while Beverly …show more content…

For example Glancy states in the poem, “my father went out each day to hunt as though he had them.” This evidence shows that Glancy’s father tradition is not like any other typical tradition. Glancy’s father tradition is to hunt everyday to kill animals and feed his family, even though that’s not like any typical tradition. His tradition is different and yet he enjoys it, and he acts like it is any other normal tradition. It is clear that her father was raised by hunting for food in order to survive because unlike her father any typical person would go to the market or eat fast food in order to eat but Glancy’s father has to hunt in order for him and his family to not starve. Also, Glancy states, “When he brought home his horns and hides my mother said get rid of them ” this evidence refers back to my claim that not everyone has the same tradition. Glancy’s mother does not like the fact that her husband brings back horns and hides when he comes back home, but that is his tradition while that is not his wife’s tradition. Even though it does not state what Glancy’s mother tradition is, it is clear that the married couple have very different traditions. Glancy’s father’s traditions are very different and not like any other typical dad tradition, he proves that it is okay to have a different tradition because at the end of the day we all still human. A tradition does not

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