Archetypes In Howls Moving Castle

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What do you think the movie Howls moving castle is about ? Well the movie is about more then a moving castle the movie is about how people that aren’t related to you doesn’t mean that you can’t be a family. Even if your not related to your friend it doesn’t mean that you cant consider them as family. Family is a strong word it means more then a blood relation you can call any one a family member if yall feel close. the movie uses symbols, mood, and archetypes to show that the theme is about family. In the movie howls moving castle one of the main characters Sophie was under a spell from the witch of the waste so Sophie went to stay with howl, Marco, and Calcifur. At first everyone in the castle felt strange about Sophie. No one new that Sophie was under a spell besides Howl because Howl seen her as she was. The mood in the begging of the story was a awkward feeling. But towards the middle of the movie the mood started to change. Everyone started to act as a family. …show more content…

One night howl flew in the castle as a black bird and made a loud noise that awaked Sophie. Sophie walked in the room that Howl was in she was shocked that he was a bird but she didn’t look at him no different. When Sophie started to ask what’s wrong and showing her feelings towards Howl she started to turn young but it didn’t last for long. The main symbol was the black bird which means Howl had an evil side but he used it for good and Sophie didn’t see him as a threat she always seen him as himself and as her family, even though he would pretend to be someone he

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