Archetype In A Doll's House

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“A Doll’s House” written by Henrik Ibsen dates back to mid-19th-century Norwegian society. During this time, men and women maintained strict gender roles. Gentlemen ruled society with laws and masculinity while women brightened households up with their gentle looks and admiration towards their husbands. In 1879, the author of the play presented his work to an audience who held these specific traditions in their lives. Negative reactions rose to the controversy but also introduced a new perspective that encouraged support for social progress. Years after his play’s initial premiere, the writer recognizes that the plot line indicates feminist themes, but most importantly represents individual development regardless of gender. “A Doll’s House”, …show more content…

Her husband, Torvald, is a character that places Nora’s limits upfront for the audience to see. After a day of shopping and spending, Nora returns home to her husband, only to hear his remarks such as “What a woman you are!... No one would believe how much it costs a man to keep such a little bird as you... You're a strange little being!”. These comments made towards Nora resemble phrases that can be made to actual pets rather than women. At the time, it was acceptable for a woman to be considered a man’s trophy and a doll to demonstrate in public, resulting in women symbolically representing purity, warm heartedness, and loyalty. This environment holds a mentality that is poisoning to all. Nora asks her husband for a Christmas gift consisted of purely money, gleefully following his lead with the pet names, “ H'm! If you only knew, Torvald, what expenses we larks and squirrels have,”. Nora is not a mindless woman despite her husband’s comments throughout the story. She understands the image she must maintain underneath that household, therefore her refusal to tell her husband of her secret is the initiation stage - the hero crosses a threshold into a new, more dangerous world, gaining a more mature perspective- of the heroic archetype. She reveals her secret deed to

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