Applied Psychology Bullying Paper

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Running head: Essay Number Two
Applied Psychology Bullying Paper
Jaci R. Montalvo
University of Arkansas Little Rock, Little Rock, AR

A student’s social life and academic life go hand in hand, whether or not they have friends, whether they are accepted or rejected by their peers or if they are victims of aggression.
Children who have few friends, who are often rejected by peers, or who are victims of bullying are not likely to have the emotional and cognitive resources to do well in school (Juvonen &
Graham, 2014.) This is an age old problem that many see as “children will be children”.
School bullying is defined as physical, verbal, or psychological abuse of victims by perpetrators who intend to cause them harm (Olweus, …show more content…

An imbalance of power is when a physically stronger student is picking on a weaker student or an older student harassing a younger student.
Schools are responsible for providing a safe learning environment for all students. A step they have to take is to address all forms of bullying that students may experience at school on a daily basis. Unfortunately, our schools are not doing enough to protect our students despite anti- bullying laws and policies. Adult leaders often turn a blind eye due in part to lack of training.
The best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. Bullying is more prevalent now than ever before due in part to the use of technology and social media. Students cannot protect themselves from bullying if they are not informed of what it really means or how it affects others. Ignoring the bullying teaches students who bully that they can bully others without consequences. Adults and other students need to stand up for children who are bullied, and to ensure they are protected and safe (Class Notes - PowerPoint)

BULLYING PAPER …show more content…

A safe and supportive school climate can help prevent bullying. Students should feel and be safe everywhere on campus - in the classroom, hallways, bathrooms, playground, bus and the cafeteria. It takes everyone - teachers, custodian, bus drivers, nurses, office staff and counselors working together to create a climate where bullying will not be accepted. A very simple action for teachers is to make themselves frequently visible in places like hallways and restrooms where supervision is minimal. By making themselves visible in all areas at school this gives the victims a sense of safety and gives the bullies less opportunities. Surveillance cameras in the less supervised areas are also a great tool to put into place. All school personnel can keep an eye out for bullying by keeping an eye on students who are physically smaller than their peers, or who behave or look different from others, since these variables often serve at risk factors for bullying” (Jvonen and
Graham, 2014).
Over the past decade cyber bullying has surfaced among youth and teens.As with traditional forms of bullying, no child should have to endure cyberbullying. Cyberbullying

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