Apollo 13: The Successful Failure (NASA)

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Apollo 13, National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) proclaimed “The Successful Failure”, is one of the administration’s finest hours. I decided to choose this topic because I remembered watching the movie Apollo 13 starring Tom Hanks in the seventh grade when we learning about the Milky Way Galaxy. I did not have any background information on Apollo 13 prior to watching the movie and was genuinely curious about the topic. As I researched, I concluded that these events defined one of America’s finest moments even though one of their missions could not land on the moon.

I did not know where to start with my research, since wherever I looked I saw the Apollo 13 movie across my searches of the topic. I tried my best to stay away from the movie and focus on the real facts; so I began by going to the library and looking up official documents. It was not very helpful since most of the books I wanted to borrow were in a library out of reach, or used by someone else. Luckily, I had come across Jim Lovell’s autobiography Lost Moon, which was what the movie Apollo 13 was based off. I did not necessarily use the book but merely for its diagrams and pictures. For most of my information, however, I used a secondary source that had all three of the astronauts’ names and information as well as the phases of the Apollo 13 mission and transcripts between Mission Control and Apollo 13 during the mission. …show more content…

and Mrs. Breaz helped me as well as my class as a whole to find primary, secondary, and tertiary sources using the school’s website. Out of all those websites, I ended up using a website called World History in Context for all my primary sources including pictures and videos. After all my research, I compiled all my pictures, research, and multimedia onto a

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