Antigone Vs Creon Essay

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Is one right to disobey civil law when one’s conscience dictates? Is it ok to break the law to make yourself feel right, and to take a heavy law off your shoulders? In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone disobeyed civil law when her conscience dictated and buries her brother, when she knows it is against the rules since he has been a traitor to their city. She does this because she knows that if she had not it would have made her feel guilty. It is right to disobey civil law to clear your conscience and do something right.
In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone vs self supports the theme because antigone says “Creon buried our brother Eteocles with military honors, gave him a soldier's funeral, and it was right, and polyneices fought just as bravely and died just as miserably.” (line 17, page 751) This shows …show more content…

Also in the play Antigone by Sophocles, antigone and ismene shows the theme because when creon tries to get ismene in trouble because he thinks ismene helped antigone ismene says “Yes, if she will let me say so. I am guilty” (line 147, page 765). This shows that ismene feels bad for not helping antigone and feels she should get punished too. Although ismene is trying to be punished, antigone says “no, ismene. You have no right to say so. You would not help me, and i will not have you help me” (line 148 page 765) this shows that antigone feels that she shouldn't let ismene get in trouble because it would make her feel guilty since ismene is innocent. Man vs man conflict shows the theme because in these examples the characters don't want to make themselves feel guilty by affecting

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