Annotated Reflection

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ading annotations have improved the way I read. I am more organized and annotating is a good way to track what I have read. By annotating I remember the information I read longer than when I don’t. All the reading has given me practice annotating and I now annotate all the articles that I get from other classes because this has helped me turn annotating in a habit. The reading that I was most engaged in was Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space by Brent Staples. Brent told his story beautifully and I felt that I identified with Staples because I have faced discrimination myself. I had different reactions/emotions while reading his story and that’s what made it my favorite because if a story evokes strong emotions from your then the author …show more content…

The reading that I was least engaged in was Annoying Ways People Use Sourced by Kyle D. Stedman. The title is not interesting and the reading was ridiculously long for sources. For me, it was hard to get through it because the topic was boring and I have short attention spam so I had to take breaks while reading it. The reading has great information and I learned about different tips on citing and puts them into Annoyances. Some of the Annoyances are the fix, Am I in the Right Movie?, I can’t Find the Stupid …show more content…

Even though some might have been boring they all had important information that improved my reading as well as my writing. I know like to write down my thoughts after I read articles or class textbooks. The reading in this class has helped me make annotating into a habit and I hope to read more because I don’t that I am doing enough reading. I also learned the importance of marking up from the first reading How to Mark A Book by Mortimer J. Adler. After reading Adler's essay, I will start marking up my books because I have learned that it is necessary for readers, even if I must use a scratch book. This way the reader is still able to put down their ideas about the book, thoughts, and opinions in writing. Marking up a text shows that you respect the author and his ideas and by adding your thoughts in between the lines makes you a smarter reader. He says that when we physically write, we can maintain our reactions and opinions are able to stay in our memories longer. What stood out to me the most in Adler's essay is when he says that full ownership of a book is when you put yourself in the book and that is by writing in

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