Anne Frank Accomplishments

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Early Years

Through this biography the reader can learn that Anne Frank had very harsh early years. She was born on June 12, 1929 and was part of a Jewish family and was not given much freedom. Anne Frank had been born right as World War II began; at this time Adolf Hitler had been making unfair law regarding the Jews. She was not allowed to go to certain schools, she could not be seen after 8:00 pm till 6:00 am. She was forbidden to participate in any public active activities and could not go to any forms of entertainment. Finally, she had to receive a yellow star tattoo when she was young, so she could easily be identified as a jew. Since these rules restricted her from daily actives she would write in her diary when she got home from school. Anne …show more content…

Her diary was then created into a biography/novel; this biography is so important because it gives insight on what the Holocaust did to people, and how they must struggle to survive. Not only that but it gives insight on the life of a Jewish citizen who is treated poorly with restricting laws. Anne Frank had many other struggles when she was in that secrete annex. She must always be cautious of any nazi’s passing through, and follow all anti-jewish laws.

The Goals Of Anne Frank
One of Anne Frank’s goals was surviving the Holocaust, along with the rest of her family. Her main goal though, was becoming an author. She enjoyed reading and writing and hoped to published books of her own. She did successful create her own book, Diary of a Young Girl: Anne Frank. Once she decided that was her dream, she began to rewrite, proofread, and edit her diary. After she was found in the Annex Room and sent to the concentration camps, her diary was found and edited by her father. He published her book as several different editions and gladly fulfilled her dream.

What Influence did Anne Frank

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