Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animal Testing
With the products that improve the quality of life popping up every day, it leaves you wondering how these products have become so perfected. A big part of that is in prior animal testing. While animal testing is sometimes highlighted from time to time, it is not commonly thought of when using a product. Highly rated shampoo? It was most likely tested on an animal beforehand. Animal testing in many cases can leave a physical and psychological impact on animals that are irreversible. Animal testing in an experiment is cruelty. Experiments can go wrong if something unexpected happens or there is an error in judgment. After these experiments, the animals may never be the same and that is if they’re not killed after the experiment …show more content…

This therefore allows these labs to do as they please much more to those listed than a dog or a similar animal as they are not covered under minimal protections in the AWA. It is not clear as to why there is an exclusion. The animals that do make it through experimentation and actually do get to live don't have it easy by any means. The results of these experiments can leave these animals in pain for the rest of their lives. Animals that have been experimented on may never be the same ever again. Not only from physical harm either. Upon investigation of the matter, confirms that experiments can cause animals stress and aggression amongst other things. Animals are living creatures just like humans are so to continue to treat them as if they don't feel anything should be out ruled. Animals feel and do think while also having emotions. Just because some animals may not be advanced as humans does not constitute them to be treated the way they are in these labs across the United States and across the world. It is not just a problem exclusive to the United States, it is a global problem. Ironically, Europe does not allow products to be sold which are tested on animals prior while China tests every product on

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