Animal Rights Essay

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Animals Rights
Is it fair that animals have to go through abuse neglect and torture every day over a simple fact that humans do not believe animals do not have rights? Humans use and kill animals for food or clothing. Because people or humans think of animals as property so they do as they please with animals
Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have familiar rights, where others think that it is more important to use them as they desire for food and medical research. This Paper will discuss both points of view.

With and explanation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Most people put themselves first and don’t care about the importance of the beings on the earth, and everything must be done to accomplish human survival. If animals testing on animals are right than killing human is best t too. Is the same legal system right? Should people fight for it because animal is suffering a lot? It is explained and thought that by some animals do not feel pain or loss as humans and people do, so humans have to kill animals for food or other uses, then this is physically acceptable.

More so, human do not think this influence stand for and up to the animal’s rights. To start in on it has been performed on many Opportunities by stealthy television in laboratories. Animal rights groups feel that animals feel as much pain as humans do, and they suffer when they are kept in cages for long periods of time. An amount of animal research is done for Products, not to find cures for diseases so this is not necessary. Finally, it has also been said that humans can get all the nutrients and vitamins they need from vegetables and fruit. Therefore having to kill animals f...

... middle of paper ... animals wrongly and falsely. Also PETA has been changing the way people view animal’s abuse by teaching and sharing about Animal rights. Most people come to these meeting to expose animal abusers. People view animals in critical way PETA said they can’t change the way they people think but they can change they how animals get abused.
With and explanation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons. Most people put themselves first and don’t care about the importance of the beings on the earth, and everything must be done to accomplish human survival. But the human survival don’t have to depend on animals getting violent over some food or clothing because people choose to hurt and kill animals over the fact that they think are superior over everything. The world is changing in the wrong way and people are not trying to find a solution.

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