Animal Farm by George Orwell

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It is worse to suffer in ignorance than to know how awful the situation is and to endure it. In the novel Animal Farm written George Orwell the animal suffer from the situation of Napoleon leading, Orwell sates "things never had been, nor ever could be much better or much worse—hunger, hardship, and disappointment being, so he said, the unalterable law of life" (pg87 Orwell). This tells the reader that animals are suffering from the corrupted leader. Boxer, Clover, Sheep, and Benjamin suffer the most because they see the problem, they know Napoleon is not doing the right thing but they do not face the problem because either they are scared of Napoleon or they just do not want to involved in that situation.
Boxer suffers from blindly following Napoleon, Boxer is the strongest animal on the farm and everybody admires his work, but when Napoleon begins executing other animals, Boxer tries not to believe that animals were killed by Napoleon. He states "I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves. The solution, as I see it, is to work harder"(pg57). In this case Boxer does not bother searching for the evidence of who has done it or why have they been killed. Boxer basically accepts what Squealer told him, he does what the pigs tell him to. This is the case why Boxer suffers a lot because of his poor brain; he does not think logically, he is a brain dead. Boxer worries about the farm but he is not smart enough to figure things out his own. Instead of helping the farm with the knowledge that he has, he decides to be loyal to the pigs. At first Boxer stood up and said Snowball was not a traitor, he also said “Snowball fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed. I saw h...

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... “Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey”, (pg19) Benjamin seems convinced that nothing is going to change but at the same time he also seems like he knows what is going to happen next. It seems like Benjamin was happier with Jones than living with Napoleon’s leading, he kind of had the sense it was going to turn out that way. Benjamin was the only animal who had full proved and evidence about the pigs but he just sat there and watch them ruining the farm and except everything what they have done.
It is worse to suffer in ignorance than to know how awful the situation is and to endure it. In Animal Farm, Boxer, Clover, and Sheep were suffering from ignorance and Benjamin accepts everything what had happened even after knowing the situation of the farm.

Works Cited

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. London: Penguin book, 2008. Print

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