Animal Farm by George Orwell

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Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm portrays many facets of the Communist revolution in Russia; however the book and the movie are both set on a farm in England in the 1950‘s. The book starts with Old Major, the founder of animalism, explaining how the animal rebellion would be coming soon and everyone should be preparing for the revolution. According to the book he died of old age but in the movie he was hit by a bullet from Mr. Jones’s shotgun causing Old Major to fall out of the hay loft and break his neck. Later Napoleon and Snowball come to prepare the animals for the coming revolution. Jones was a drunk and his workers did not always feed the animals regularly so one night Jones to the men out for drinks and they did not return for three days, and when he did return he still did not feed the animals. The animals took it upon themselves to break into the food storage and feed themselves and they were happy until Jones heard the noise they were making and went in there to see what was going on and when he tried to stop them they all attack him at once and chased him and his men of the property and then it was all theirs. Snowball started right away showing them the ways of animalism and stating that they were rules to live by. Snowball wrote The Seven Commandments of Animalism which are as follows: whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy, whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend, no animal shall wear clothes, no animal shal...

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