Analyzing Mitch Wilson's Tuesdays With Morrie

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Tuesdays With Morrie, is about a young man named Mitch, and his professor; who became a life lesson, was an older gentleman who was named Morrie. Mitch kept repeatedly taking Morrie’s sociology classes. He seemed to learn something new in each and every class he took by him. Morrie had a liking for Mitch because he seemed to have an understanding for life. Mitch liked Morrie because to him, I felt, Morrie was a realist but he had hope for the world. That’s exactly what Mitch needed. Morrie was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. He was told he was terminally ill and going to die soon. It was heartbreaking for all. Mitch didn’t think Morrie deserved to have this illness. Mitch actually knew that Morrie didn’t deserve to be in pain. …show more content…

That way he wouldn’t haunt his children, or Mitch, for the rest of their lives. If he could’ve waited longer I don’t think he would have because he was weak and ready to go. He knew it was his time. He said his goodbyes to his family, I personally believe that Morrie Schwartz could decide when he was ready to go. Most people give up and that’s why people die. The people quit or give up on fighting for their lives are already dead- in a sense. They have no quality of life, or so they believe. Everybody who is able to talk and make people happy or sad or any emotion, has a quality of life. The end of the book broke my heart into a million little pieces. Mitch seemed so depressed about Morrie becoming sick and dying after the fourteenth week. He also seemed to know that it was the right thing and that Morrie was suffering from the ALS. Mitch loved Morrie even though he didn’t keep his promise to stay in touch. The story ended with Mitch getting back in touch with his brother who lives in Spain, he missed his brother, Peter. Peter and Mitch didn’t ever talk about how they love and miss each other until Morrie passed away. Mitch then realized that nobody lives forever. And he only has a short lifetime to tell people that he loved them.Mitch’s brother, Peter, fled to European cities because he had pancreatic cancer. He seemed to be the only person that Mitch had

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