Analysis Of The Visit By Friedrich Dürrenmatt

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A book or a theatrical play can become the means through which writers can express their thoughts and convey their messages to society. In ancient times, Greek tragedies were a clever way for writers to judge the political world of the time, and make society reflect back on its own behavior and way of acting. Throughout the years, the form of a theatrical play underwent many changes that allowed the writers to express themselves more freely, without being limited to the strict rules of form and structure of a Greek tragedy. Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s play The Visit is a story that is set in the modern era of post-war Europe. A woman, whose life, through an ugly series of events, is ruined, returns to her hometown to get revenge for the misery …show more content…

According to Askew “The central figure by which this…emotional ritualization occurs is…Madame Zachanassian and especially by her association with the Sphinx; for it is through this sphinx-like figure that all the major themes of the play are introduced…” (90) Claire is a powerful, rich woman that has the whole town under her control. She carefully watches the town from her balcony, and enjoys the chaos that she was able to cause as part of her revenge. “The Sphinx…was directly responsible for the miserable economic and social conditions in Thebes when Oedipus first arrived, just as Madam Zachanassian is directly responsible for the economic and social plight of the Gülleners…” (Askew 90) Dürrenmatt himself attributes to her elements and characteristics of a Greek goddess through the words of the teacher “Seeing stepping out of the train in her black robes made my hair stand on end. Like one of the Fates, like an avenging goddess. Her name should be Clotho, not Claire. I could well imagine her spinning the web of destiny.” (Dürrenmatt 21) Alfred Ill is a modern representation of a tragic hero. “Aristotle never loses sight of the fact that man is a morally responsible being…a being who has the ability to distinguish virtue from vice and to achieve the one or surrender to the other.” (Reeves 187) The constant …show more content…

Alfred was responsible for his own demise. He abandoned Claire for another woman who had money, in order to live a more comfortable life. He bought justice because he did not want to accept Claire’s baby as his own. So, Claire returned as the spitting image of his actions. She came back as a powerful millionaire, who buys everyone and everything, even justice. “What is, in traditional tragedy, hidden behind the visible world and can be guessed at only through the logical and inevitable development of the action, here enters the stage in the grotesque shape of the ‘alte Dame’ and demonstrates, by using the enormous economic resources at her disposal, how the mechanism of the power of Fate works when one looks behind the scenes.” (Speidel 19) As in most of the Greek tragedies, the hero is unable to escape his fate and eventually pays for the wrongs that he has done in life, in the same way, Alfred realized that trying to leave town was meaningless. He would soon be faced with the consequences of his actions, no matter how far away he would be. Claire’s arrival in Güllen emphasizes the divine role that she has been attributed in the play. In order to get off the express train, which never stops in Güllen, she pulls the emergency break. This is a clear indication of how strong her influence is upon

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