Analysis Of The Movie Lunchbox

1417 Words3 Pages


TA: Jenna
Name: Prabhsimran Chhabra
Course: SOC101Y
Student Number: 1000013308
Date: April 2nd, 2014


It is often said that sexism is a subject of the past, and yet women still face gender oppression throughout their lives. The concept of Gender oppression, defined as persecution associated with the gender norms, relations, and stratification in a society. Indian culture perceives men as the breadwinners and women as the caregiver for her family. In a country like India, Patriarchy has been a norm for about two hundred years; the society of India has emerged to become a patriarchal society. Women have been empowered from raising their voices and are kept silent in cases, including sexual abused or verbal abuse. Such issues have imposed women of India to live under a glass ceiling, limiting them to reach their full potential. This structure has lead India to be a patriarchal society, where men are the breadwinners, and women are caretakers of their families.

Research Question

A movie where women are seen inferior to men, the movie depicted the socially structured norms of India, where gender oppression was evident in every part of a patriarchal society. The issues, which were observed, lead to the development of the research question: How does the movie Lunchbox depict gender oppression in a patriarchal society?

The movie Lunchbox has demonstrated Indian Culture in a unique way, focusing on the life of a woman living in a patriarchal society. The variables chosen to measure were Gender Stereotypes, Gender Oppression, and Patriarchy. To measure Gender Stereotypes, socially constructed views of men and woman and Gender Roles were used as sub-categories. As for Gender ...

... middle of paper ... them the confidence that women are no less than men.

Comparative Discussion
They first report was focused was on Social Isolation and Culture. As these were not a huge part of the movie, there were some inconsistencies within the data observed. However, for my second report, the focus was shifted towards Gender Oppression. I chose gender oppression as my main variable for measurement because of its relation to the previously measure variables, Social Isolation and Culture. The first essay report consisted of weak information to support my variables, thus, I thoroughly observed every aspect in the movie and gathered as much data as possible to depict the relevance to the variables chosen for the second report. The second report capitalizes thorough information with detailed explanations and giving a greater understanding of the concepts observed in the movie.

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