Analysis Of The Girl With The Green Eyes

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They say jealousy consumes people, but The Girl with the Green Eyes takes on a new meaning for that. Plays in this era reflected the wars that were occurring and the new advancements in the realm of the theatre. The Girl with the Green Eyes, a play written in the 19th century is a key example of the realistic writing style of Americans at the time.
The 19th century was a time period abundant with inventions, wars, and many other events that shaped America into who we are today. In the start of this century after the war of 1812, America was going through a slump in our economy. Many people believed that if we expanded a strong home market that it would strengthen things in this area. (Ohman 488) Many families struggled at this time because they were given nothing during the war so they got a small pension to support the entire family. (Duncan 305-31) Due to the lack of food at the time, many diseases ran ramped during this time. A disease that made itself prominent was leprosy. Cases of leprosy were everywhere but they exploded in Hawaii in the 19th century. (Inglis 110) In 1865 th...

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