Realism In American Realism

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Around the late 1800s through the early 1900s, America went through a massive societal, financial, cultural, and industrial change to start this new way of life. The constant coming of European immigrants and the increasing prospective for global trade brought rising expansion and wealth to America. The movement started as early on as the 1830's but reached its peak and importance roughly around the end of the Civil War to approximately around the ending of the nineteenth century. From art all the way to artistic expression; including music, painting, and writing, Realism displayed the tiredness all the way to cultural enthusiasm of the symbolic American/European background and the days of everyday people at home.
American Realism came about because of the widespread economic, political, and social changes that happened in American society during and after the Civil War. The idea of realism was influenced by the Civil War which ended slavery, the industrial revolution where American was transitioning to be more of a manufacturing society, the beginning of mass construction, a huge increase in immigration, and a rising numbers in poverty and urbanization. Realists wanted to show the lives of common Americans, and the connection among the person and civilization is frequently looked at. American Realism more often than not was local, and writers wanted to portray in their work how they saw it with some fearing that long-established values were fading in the face of fast industrial changes and innovation. Authors and writers created a fresh story about Americans. Artists used the thoughts, feelings and sounds of where they are to persuade their work, quality, and appearance of their original works. Musicians were attentive to the rap...

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...f Realism came about. Realism wanted to truthfully represent the circumstances and hardships of the deprived with hopes and dreams of altering the social order. In dissimilarity through Romanticism, which was fundamentally hopeful about humans and how they function, Realism presented a harsh idea of deficiency and misery. Likewise, while Romanticism overvalued life, Realism displayed life in the lowest position of an inner-city harsh environment. The Realism era opened the eyes of many people worldwide. Realism in fine art and writing correlates to the effort to be a symbol of recognizable and daily people and dilemmas in a precise, unpleasant approach. It is vital for readers to be familiar with and recognize the people and the humanity they dwell in. The realists wanted to admire what they thought was the honest self-respect of modest citizens leading plain lives.

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