Analysis Of The Film Last Year In Marienbad

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Postmodern works often incorporate an aspect of randomness; this randomness is sometimes purposeful while other times it comes across as completely haphazard. Randomness is a part of what defines postmodernity, but how big of a factor is it when trying to classify something as a postmodern work? It’s possible that works including randomness are automatically defined as postmodern or that the postmodern genre was in part created in order to classify these random works in a type of miscellaneous category. It can be argued that postmodernity is an attempt to give artistic or intellectual meaning to seemingly meaningless or random modern experiences. Modern technology has further enabled randomness and because of this, randomness has become a …show more content…

The film Last Year in Marienbad (Resnais 1961) plays with fragmentation and chance to create a confusing narrative. Initially (and for a significant portion of the film) the story comes across as completely random and incoherent but as the film goes on patterns begin to arise. Chance and randomness become themes that unite the fragments. The whole organization of the film and the way the past is presented through the present is done using random chance. The way the disjointed clips seem to come together by chance to create a story shows how there can be order and purpose in the random. The film is further broken up by disturbances that are all chance events. Interruptions that would normally be random occurrences such as a glass breaking, gunshots or laughter come to form a sense of coherence and pace. In a work where randomness could potentially create more confusion, Last Year in Marienbad uses the element of chance and lack of a clear linear narrative to leave more room for the viewer’s own interpretation. A part of consuming art is promoting new ways of thinking. This film could easily come across as boring and pretentious to some but to others could be a thought-provoking puzzle or mystery to be solved. Randomness and discontinuity in art often make for the most stimulating conversations and analyses. Postmodern works often leave us asking, “why?” when there is no immediate meaning, the audience wants to find a

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