Analysis Of So God Made A Farmer By Paul Harvey

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So… God Made a Farmer. In this speech Paul Harvey uses word choice and told to express his point of view about American farmers in Everett to make his audience understand American farmers purpose. Harvey first implement American farmers purpose when he chooses words that show farmers overall strength and willingness to get their daily task completed. Moreover, Harvey include a celebratory tone to show his pride towards farmers and their hard-working and determined attitudes. Harvey first implements American farmers purpose when he chooses to emphasize God and how he brought these special hand-picked people for the role of being a farmer. For instance, in the first paragraph Harvey says, that “on the eighth day, God look down on his plan paradise and said, “I need a caretaker”. So God made a farmer. In this example the highly emphasize character of God has already made such an amazing world or so-called paradise however believes that all else that is needed is a former this is how Harvey uses the word God and God's example the highly emphasize character of God has already made such an amazing world or so called Paradise however believes that all else that is needed is a former this is how Harvey uses the word God and God thoughts to show how important farmers are. …show more content…

For example, Harvey's praising tone comes from the repetitive use of the phrases like “strong enough” and “gentle enough”. when Paul Harvey repetitively uses the conflicting words strong and gentle he shows how the American Farmer must have characteristics of both. This shows one more tactic Harvey uses to portray an American farmer's

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