Analysis Of Paraguay

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Looking back at the first term paper that was assigned, much of the paper dealt with many economical characteristics of the developing country. In this case I chose the country of Paraguay because I found the geography of the country to be interesting. I was also intrigued by the environmental changes and land use changes that occur not only in Paraguay, but all of Latin America. In the first term paper I discussed general topics about the countries location, surroundings, and current population. This lead to the living standards of Paraguay and looking at data for the health, education, and income of the country. This gives me something to compare to surrounding countries or the Latin American region as a whole. I also discussed the countries demographic transition, which involves the trends in death, fertility, and birth rates. With concerns to the countries economics, I covered the changes in GDP per capita and the income elasticity of food demand. In the second term paper I start out by describing Paraguay’s vast geography and identify some factors that would effect agricultural development. Much of this paper dealt with many different trends that are happening in Paraguay. For example, the land use trends in agricultural areas or the trends in the forest area, which happens to be a negative one due to deforestation. Fertilizer, irrigation, and mechanization trends also help to understand the agricultural development for a region or country. The (TFP) the total factor productivity of agriculture will tell you if Paraguay’s agricultural sector is doing well and how important it is to the countries economy. With the second term paper dealing with the agricultural sector one important part is the trend in per capita food output. ...

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...guay you only have your own family. The same goes for ranchers that maintain the livestock. The culture in Paraguay is one that is resistant to change from what they have been doing for hundreds of years. This also contributes to the lack of a labor force that could not sustain a large industrial sector. A recent contributor to the deforestation is due to the soybean crop. The price and demand for the soybean has increased and it is one crop well suited for the conditions in Paraguay.

The government of Paraguay has already took a step in the right direction, by passing the zero deforestation law in certain areas.

Above everything else I think the most important solution to this issue lies with the government. If it was made more difficult for companies to use deforestation it could help the situation, and allow for our heads to make the decision and not big money.

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