Analysis Of Our Eyes Secure Your Safety

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In the editorial cartoon, Our Eyes Secure Your Safety, is dealing with giving up rights and freedoms. The cartoonist has presented the perspective that rejecting collectivism can be ineffective, which is shown by people walking around surrounded by video surveillance. The author uses irony of large eyes in the sky with big bold letters that states the quote our eyes secure individuals' safety to show the ideas presented on portraying negative notion on the subject of which is surrendering our rights and freedoms for more collective security; he/she also stresses the idea of individualism. The individualist view of a society without high government involvement was furthermore illustrated in the source by the idea of all the eyes, gloominess …show more content…

Similar to source one the author uses irony to present the mood of the cartoon which could be defined as sad, upset and even nervous. Furthermore it is shown by the miserable faces on the individuals and the security guard who is obligated by government laws to pour out any liquid substance before the people can cross the gate which is an example of people surrendering their freedoms. In everyday life this picture can be related to by many, and the reasoning for this may be that of the terrorist attack that took place on september eveleth 2011. Nine-Eleven prompted the world to re evaluate and modify airport security. Although the attack was only brought on by four individuals the rest of the world has to pay the price by surrendering their freedoms before traveling this objectifies the individual rights and freedoms which states people have the freedom of security. According to the author of this source, when this principle is promoted the effect may be, saddening but useful in ways such as the rule of law that says everyone is equal before the law. Supporters such as Jean -JAcques Rousseau who believed that people have good intentions until further corrupted by civilization, similarly if nine eleven may have never happened our airport security would not have to be to the maximum and individuals would not have to give up or modify their freedoms. The principles of individualism were clearly taken for granted and then further on corrupted, however, are also being used wisely because of individuals actions in society. Clearly, the author believed that government intervention was a factor of securing people's safety but it also took away the freedoms of us as

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