Analysis Of Natalie Proulx's Article: Should Teachers Be Armed With Guns?

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In the light of the school shootings in the last few months, arming teachers is becoming more likely. In Natalie Proulx’s article Should Teachers Be Armed with Guns?, she questions if teachers should be armed with guns to protect students in the case of a school shooting. Allowing teachers to be armed could protect students from any danger and it might also deter suspects from wanting to shoot up a school. Parents send their children to school to learn and shouldn’t have to worry about if their child is going to be safe. As a parent I shouldn’t have to worry if another student is coming to school fully armed to endanger other students. Arming qualified teachers who are willing to protect students from acts of violence should be allowed.
Allowing teachers to carry is a big step in our Nation. Not all teachers should be allowed to carry. President Trump says “I want certain highly adept people, people who understand weaponry, guns,” (Proulx). Teachers and school staff who want to carry should have extensive background checks. They should be willing to protect the students that are in their care, and not be afraid to use a gun when put in this type of …show more content…

Joel Myrick, a former assistant principle in Mississippi says “Teachers have to teach, and that’s what they should be doing,” (Proulx). Teachers should be teaching are children, but that is not all they should be doing. Teachers should be role models to our children. They should provide protection to our children if needed, but only if they are willing to. There is a bigger picture on what they are really protecting. They are protecting our futures. Our future doctors, lawyers, and blue collar workers. And it is not just our children they would be protecting. They would also be protecting themselves and other staff. I think any civilized person would do the right thing and if protecting those around them is the right thing to do then so be

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