Analysis Of Modernity And The Holocaust

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Sociologists argue that the holocaust is an illustrative case of the destructive side of modernity. In his text, Modernity and the Holocaust, Bauman suggests that the holocaust allowed never before seen aspects of society to surface. Despite such aspects being new to society, they were natural and dormant in people until provided with the appropriate circumstances.
When discussing modernity, Bauman describes the way in which society has shifted from solid modernity to liquid modernity. Liquid modernity describes the current condition of constant mobility and changes that occur in relationships, identities, and global economics within society. Modernity, as a solid state, was previously seen as being largely characterized by a need for order, while at the same time consisting of contingencies and radical change. Liquid modernity …show more content…

Among these modern principles are instrumental rationality, rule following, the ordering and categorization of all of social life, and a complex division of labor. When analyzed, all of these principles played a role in the mass extermination of the Jewish people. For Bauman, postmodernity is the result of modernity’s failure to rationalize the world and the amplification of its capacity for constant change. Bauman describes that there are two ways to minimize the significance of the holocaust as the theory of civilization, modernity, and of modern civilization 1) to present the holocaust as something that happened to the Jews as an event in Jewish history, and 2) to present the holocaust as an extreme case of a wide and familiar category of social phenomena. These perspectives make the Holocaust part of an individual history, not relevant or representative of the morality of modern

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