Hannah Arendt Essays

  • The Origins Of Totalitarianism By Hannah Arendt

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    Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) was a German born political theorist. She was often described as a philosopher. She rejected that labeled on the grounds that philosophy is concerned with “man in the singular”. Instead she described herself as a political theorist because her work centers on the fact that ‘men, not Man, live on the earth and inhabit the world.” As an assimilated Jew, she escaped Europe during the Holocaust and became an American citizen. Her works deal with nature of power, and the subjects

  • Hannah Arendt on the Banality of Evil

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    Hannah Arendt is a German Jewish philosopher, born in 1906 and died in 1975. She studied philosophy with Martin Heidegger as Professor. Her works deal with the nature of power and political subjects such as democracy, authority, and totalitarianism. She flew away to France in 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in Germany. She flew away from Europe to the United States after escaping from the concentration camp of Gurs. She became a Professor in New York city, in which she became an active

  • Research Paper On Hannah Arendt

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    Hannah Arendt was born on October 14, 1906 in Hanover Wilhelmine, Germany as the only child of Paul and Martha Arendt. From a very young age Arendt developed a passion for reading especially when it came to theology. It was from this passion that gave her the inspiration to major in theology at the University of Marburg with Rudolf Bultmann. In September of 1929, Arendt received her doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg. The life of Hannah Arendt exemplifies excellence. This can be seen

  • The Human Condition, by Hannah Arendt

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    In Hannah Arendt’s work, The Human Condition, Arendt addresses the active life or Vita Activa and how the three major human activities are incorporated into the public and private realms. The private realm, in which finances and basic needs are met, exists within the household. The Public Realm involves politics and interaction between individuals. All interaction within the public realm requires the individual to have attained freedom. As society continues to develop, however, and the Modern Age

  • Hannah Arendt Public Intellectuals

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    Public Intellectuals and Impassioned Publics The 2012 film Hannah Arendt depicts the struggle between passion and reason. Hannah Arendt’s safety is directly threatened because of her articles on the trial of Adolf Eichmann. The public saw her stance as being too sympathetic to Eichmann, since she describes him as ordinary and mediocre. The impassioned belief that Eichmann must be an evil, scary monster was not affirmed in her writing. Due to this, the public lashed out against her. The mentality

  • Hannah Arendt Research Paper

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    Sarah Veslany PLSC 155 Final Exam Arendt 4/28/2015 Hannah Arendt was a political theorist who wrote about the essential features of a state’s authority, the field of political science, pure democracy, political dominance, and the origin of tyranny. While a number of members of both the writing and political science fields refer to her as a political philosopher, Arendt did not feel as though her work put her in the philosopher category. Her reasoning behind the refusal of the philosopher title

  • Hannah Arendt Refugees

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    In We Refugees, Hannah Arendt primarily talks about the real struggle of the refugees, based on a bunch of historical evidences. Arendt starts the whole article with the refugees’ unwillingness of being refugees--what they want is be ordinary people in the new country. But their special identity and previous experience, it’s extremely hard for them to achieve the normality that they've been seeking. According to the article, “We started our new lives and tired to follow as closely as possible all

  • Hannah Arendt's On Revolution By Hannah Arendt

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    book On Revolution, Hannah Arendt carefully characterizes a revolution, giving the exact classifications that are required of an event for it to be revolutionary. She also asserts exactly how a revolution is a beginning, using the American Revolution as an example. Through her explanation of how a revolution is a beginning, she explains how the idea of attempting to date a revolution is paradoxical. One cannot pick just any event and call it revolutionary. According to Arendt, “only where change

  • Summary of Hannah Arendt's Ideology and Terror: a Novel Form of Government

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    Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt reveals that terror is at the core of a totalitarian government, and that this terror is based upon ideology. This type of terror exceeds fear. Totalitarianism dominated many governments during the twentieth century. Unlike other forms of government that oppress its people; a totalitarian form of government escapes the boundaries of definition. A totalitarian government is commonly mistaken as a tyranny or dictatorship. Arendt explains that this is because

  • Exploring The Nature of Evil

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    nightmare is that they have shown, have proven beyond doubt, what man is capable of” (Arendt 1945 quote taken from Kohn 1994). The aim of this essay is to address the theory of “radical evil” and to establish how it has been incorporated into Hannah Arendt’s thesis the “Banality of evil”. This will be done by first addressing Immanuel Kant’s main concept of evil been “radical” and concluding what he meant by this. Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil (1963) will then

  • On Violence In Antigone

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    referring to both Hannah Arendt’s ‘On Violence’ and Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique on Violence’, how does the notion of violence manifest itself in theatrical terms in Sophocles’ Antigone? CONTENTS Cover Page - Introduction Page 3 Conclusion Page 7 Bibliography Page 8 In this essay, I will be exploring the notions of violence in Sophocles’ Antigone. In examining these notions, I will be referring to and explaining both Hannah Arendt’s

  • Adolf Eichmann: The Existential Failure

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    In her report of Nazi SS member Adolph Eichmann's trial in Jerusalem, first published as a series of articles in The New Yorker, Hannah Arendt managed to spark great controversy, both in the academy and among the general public. The primary attack on Arendt was that she seemed to “blame the victim”, in this case the Jews, for their role in their own extermination during the Holocaust. While by no means the focus of her book, this perceived accusation in combination with her portrayal of Eichmann

  • Eichman Banal Evil

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    in Hannah Arendt's perspective. Hannah Arendt was a German-American political theorist, who was often labeled as a philosopher. During the trials she offered herself as a reporter for The New Yorker magazine. Arendt was a Jew, and an early refugee from Germany, making her uniquely qualified to cover the trial, but conversely created controversy among the Jewish community. Arendt received static from the public because she was a Jew defending the morals of a Nazi. Throughout the trial, Arendt composed

  • Normalizing Thoughtlessness

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    Arendt examined and reflected upon what happens to come too passed such as conditioning and normalizing the activity of rational people regardless of specific situational context, such as a natural condition to man in evildoing. The face of evil portrayal the high-ranking SS official at Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem is not necessarily that of a radically wicked neurotic mastermind, but comes in the form of a banal and unimpressive distortion of normalcy. Arendt argues that the banality of evil is

  • Violence In Hannah Arendt's On Violence By Hannah Arendt

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    In her book, On Violence, Hannah Arendt studies violence as it relates to war, science, power, aggression, and the like. In this paper, I will speak on the topic of violence as it pertains to aggression. I argue that we, as human beings, possess at least a basic level of aggression that is explainable through animalistic research and characteristics. This argument is one that contradicts the overarching ideas of Arendt’s thoughts on the topic. Through an explicative and then disputatious discourse

  • Banality of Evil and Adolf Eichmann

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    1962. The deliberation surrounding the issues of Eichmann's motives, however, are still in question, bringing forth in-depth analyses of the aspects of evil. Using Adolf Eichmann as a subject and poster-boy of a new threat to society, author Hannah Arendt is able to penetrate the limitations of the trial itself and create her thesis, which revolves around the idea of the banality of evil. This phrase accents the limitations of the term evil, along with the ideology surrounding it. This ideology

  • The Human Condition: Contemplation Key to Understanding

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    evidence to support the fact that these are all issues of great importance. However, these are only superficial, and there is a deeper problem that will not have a simple legislative solution. Americans have forgotten how to think critically. Hannah Arendt places great importance on living a contemplative life, and it is for this reason that her book, The Human Condition, is a worthwhile text. In it, she offers many insights as to what could help to make the American society better, and it is for

  • Research on the Power of Authority

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    disconnect itself from the will of the people, and the will of the people tends to have trouble asserting itself in opposition to authority. In this section of the paper, I will refine the definitions of authority and authoritarianism with the help of Hannah Arendt and others, and show that they are not as distinct as we might like to think. If the link between authority and authoritarianism is too close for comfort, perhaps the value of authority should be put into question as well (Eagan, Jennifer, 2007)

  • Looking into the Abyss

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    who don't recognize our right to exist, who prey upon us. By remaining willfully oblivious to this, we run the risk that Nietzsche articulated. While we are looking into the abyss, what dwells there is also looking into us. Works Cited Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York: Viking Press, 1964. Carrey, Benedict. "For the Worst of Us, the Diagnosis May Be Evil." New York Times 8 Feb. 2005: B1+. Horrigan, Kevin. "The Measure of Evil." St. Louis

  • Eichmann In Jerusalem Summary

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    Philosopher Hannah Arendt is well known for her work on totalitarianism and Jewish affairs of World War II. One of her career highlights presents, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, covering events leading to the trial of Adolf Eichmann. The purpose of her work gives the audience the opportunity to analyze Eichmann’s role in the massacre of many individuals, but primarily the report focuses on all who contributed in the death of Jewish citizens. Throughout her report, she notates