Analysis Of Malcom X

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Through his descriptions of the injustices Africans Americans faced, Malcom X reveals an “Us-Them” attitude. The description “Us-Them” mindset comes from the philosopher Walter Kaufmann, an American immigrant from Germany who fled from the oppression of the Nazis (Princeton). Kaufmann defines the perennial attitude “Us-Them” by giving descriptions of the qualities of both “Us” and “Them. Examining Malcom X’s speech in the context of the “Us-Them” mindset will help reveal the ideologies Malcom X had. The prerogatives of “Us” include: righteousness, intelligence, integrity, humanity, and victory whereas, “Them” includes: wickedness, stupidity, hypocrisy, brutality, and ultimate defeat (Rhetoric Book pg.132). Malcom X says, “[Although] my religion is still Islam…I am not here to change your religion…it’s time for us to submerge our differences and realize…we have the same problem.” Malcom X wanted all the African American’s within the audience to realize despite their differences they all faced a common problem. …show more content…

Furthermore X “Us-Them” attitude becomes more apparent when he says, “We are all in the same boat and we are all going to catch hell from the same man. He just happens to be the white man.” Malcom X not only identifies the problem (the white man), but he also makes the audience (African American’s) realize the problem relates to their daily life’s. Throughout the speech, Malcom X gives several examples of the wickedness and hypocrisy of the white man. Statements made by Malcom X such as, “[The white’s] get all the Negro vote, and after they get it, the Negro gets nothing in return” and “Uncle Sam's hands are dripping with blood, dripping with the blood of the black man in this

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