Analysis Of Love Letters To The Dead

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“Mom, why do the best people die? My son, when you are in a garden, which flowers do you pick? The most beautiful ones.” This quote is unforgettable to me. It is so powerful in its meaning and wholeheartedness. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira is an extended version of this quote. The main character, Laurel, had such a major influence on me because she went through so many unimaginable things. She can be metaphorically compared to both the son and the mother in this quote. The son because she has so many questions that no one can answer. The mother because throughout the book Laurel’s life hits her in the face with all the answers to her questions, like why the best people die young. She overcame several tragedies that many will never …show more content…

Laurel has to write a letter to a dead person. She chooses Kurt Cobain because of her sister May, who is also dead, loved him. What once was a simple assignment turned into an entire notebook. Laurel informs Kurt and other famous people like Janis Joplin about her daily occurrences. Things like making new friendships that she never thought would exist, finding her first love and heartbreak and experiencing the transition from middle school to high school without the help of her big sister. She also talked about her family 's smaller tragedies within the larger one. Her parents got divorced, and her mother moved all the way across the country. When she first wrote about it, I believed that she shouldn’t forgive her mother for leaving her and her father, but throughout the book, I realized that death affects people in so many different …show more content…

Except Laurel defied my assumptions and overcame the pain. Although no one enjoys talking about it, tragedies like that happen more than anyone would like to admit. Depending on how some people are raised and their emotional stability, they just wouldn’t be able to handle all of the pain and self-blame with witnessing a sibling fall to their deaths. Laurel has taught me to continue being optimistic through life 's obstacles. I read the book shortly after I got diagnosed with scoliosis. The doctor had told me that I was lucky that I was still growing and had me wear a brace that was supposed to straighten out my spine. This was supposed to prevent me from needing surgery. The back brace was extremely uncomfortable and didn’t help at all. So my scoliosis got progressively worse. I was just on the verge of needing surgery, when my family found a scoliosis boot camp. I went to that for two weeks straight. It was hard, but I made it through. The real challenge was having the motivation to do the hour of exercises the doctor prescribed to do at home every single day with weights and blocks. I had no motivation, I was beginning to look at everything negatively, and I was in a lot of pain. But then I found Love Letters to the Dead. Reading this helped me understand that these exercises were leaving a positive outlook on my future, when the only thing I was losing was an hour a

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